a quick stop to the revolution

Then the armed men seized Jesus to arrest him. But one of the disciples pulled out a dagger and swung it at the servant of the high priest, slashing off his ear. Jesus said to him, “Put your dagger away. For all those who embrace violence will die by violence. Don’t you realize that I could ask my heavenly Father for angels to come at any time to deliver me? [Matthew 26:50-53 TPT]

The revolution has begun and the followers of Jesus are prepared to fight.
They envision standing with their Messiah as the soldiers who once fought with King David.
After all, Jesus was prophesied to reign in the throne of his royal ancestor.

This was the hour of victory that they were all waiting for.
The time when the Christ would vanquish his enemies and ascend to David's throne.
For three years they had waited for this moment.

But Jesus put a quick stop to the revolution that they had all imagined.
He refuses to call on angels and instead surrenders to his oppressors.
I cannot imagine the horror of that moment in the minds of his followers.

Unlike them, Jesus was ready for what was to come.
He had prepared himself in prayer while his discipled slept.
In a sense, he had already won the battle on his knees.

Yet his disciples did not understand because they were spiritually asleep.
They were totally unprepared for what was to come.
The battle ahead could not be won with swords - spiritual battles never are.

Lord, help me to pray when I am tempted to sleep.

... this devotion is part of the Red Letters series. Click here to read more.


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